Mega Run Information
What, When, Where
Mega Run 25 is our club's 25th annual off-road event and competition. The event is comprised of independent wheeling, camping, competitions, a raffle, and awards. Mega Run is family-friendly and appropriate for rigs of all sizes (except dirt bikes and 4-wheelers) and drivers of all skill levels. This year's Mega Run will be held from February 27th @ 8 a.m. to March 2nd at noon at Barnwell Mountain Recreation Area in Gilmer, Texas. Please see the schedule below for event details. Please read below for further details and let us know if you have any questions. We hope to see you in March!
Barnwell Mountain Recreation Area
6284 N. SH 155
Gilmer, TX 75645
Online Registration is now open!
Click on the Store tab to register.
Mega Run Event
Mega Run Registration includes an event T-shirt, an event sticker, a Mega Run magnetic koozie, and a goodie bag.
Passengers are included during early registration.
Primitive camping and park entry are included.
Event registration is for each rig/driver pair.
If multiple drivers wish to compete in the same rig and the same event there must be registered for each driver. (i.e. if you want to drive your rig in the morning on the rock garden and your friend drives it on the obstacle course in the afternoon that is one registration. Whereas, if you both want to drive the same rig on the rock garden that requires a second registration.)
Early registration is $110 and guarantees your merchandise. No refunds.
Registration and/or payment after January 19, 2025, or at the gate is $120 and $10 per spectator age 10 and up.
Event shirts, event decals, and koozies are available while supplies last.
When you arrive...
Stop at the registration table at the back office.
Pick up a goodie bag (if you early registered) and additional merchandise in the back.
Sign your waiver, EVERYONE MUST SIGN A WAIVER. Take the waiver inside and you will receive a wristband that must be worn at all times.
- All cabins, bunkhouses, premium, and RV campsites have been reserved.
Each Mega Run participant will visit Tech Inspection after registering/checking in and signing a waiver.
Tech inspection is located at the back office and includes a safety check.
Each vehicle must have working seat belts and a roll cage or metal roof required!
A fire extinguisher within reach of the driver and a firmly secured battery (if they see any other safety concerns, they will make these known at this time).
They will confirm vehicle class as well (tech team class designation is FINAL).
Mega Run is not possible without some help from volunteers. Our club runs on a volunteer basis and we can always use a hand! Please consider supporting the club and this event and sign up for a shift or two...or three. This will help ensure that the event runs more smoothly for everyone! You do not have to be registered for competition in the event to volunteer. We are offering volunteers 30 raffle tickets per 2-hour slot that they work, so sign up early and we will look forward to seeing you! Click the button below to sign up for some time slots. Don't hesitate to CONTACT US if you have any questions. And thank you in advance!
Park Details
Park opens at 8 AM on Thursday.
OHV Stickers are required for all rigs in the park. There are no guarantees that OHV stickers will be available for sale at the gate, so please purchase one before Mega Run. OHV stickers can be purchased directly from TPWD over the phone or from various local retailers. Texas OHV decals are $16 and are good from Sept. 1 - Aug. 31 of the following year. The TPWD Service Center can be reached at (512) 389-8917 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CST. This website also has a list of distributors.
If the game warden is on site and sees no valid sticker, you can be issued a ticket for anywhere from $50 to $500.
TRAILS CLOSE AT 10:00 PM. You must be off the trails by 10:00 p.m. Only the main access road can be used to travel between sites and to bathrooms after this time.
QUIET TIME at BMRA is between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Please be considerate of your neighbors so that everyone can enjoy the event.
Motorcycles and 4-wheelers will not be allowed in the park during Mega Run.
ALL entrants into the park MUST sign a Waiver on site. This includes passengers.
ALL minors (under age 18) MUST be accompanied by an adult. If the adult is not the parent or legal guardian, the waiver must be signed by a parent or legal guardian and notarized prior to attending.
Vehicle Classes & Trail Ratings
Participants choose their classes during registration. Your class may be changed during tech inspection in order to keep the competition fair. Class definitions are finalized by the Tech Inspection team and are subject to change. This list is a guideline only, the inspection team will assess each rig at check-in. All decisions of rig competition classification by the inspection team are final.
Vehicle/Driver Classes
Youth-ages 15 and under can participate in the barrel race, obstacle course, and rock garden. All youth drivers must wear a helmet in any event.
Mild- No larger than 35" tires. These are generally stock to slightly modified rigs.
Wild- No larger than 40" tires. Aftermarket/traction assist devices (lockers). No wheelbase alterations. Typical suspension modifications on mostly stock vehicles.
Extreme- No larger than 46" tires. OEM chassis (mild modifications allowed). More extreme suspension modifications. The reactive suspension only. No rear steer or cutting brakes
Unlimited- Rear Steer. Cutting Brakes. Active control suspension. Non-OEM chassis
Rock Bouncer- Full tube chassis
UTV/SideXSide- Self-explanatory
Trail Rides, Suggested Equipment & Trail Descriptions
These are general explanations of conditions you can expect on the trails and general guidelines for recommended vehicle capability. All trail conditions are subject to change, and DFWTX4WD and BMRA cannot guarantee trail conditions, vehicle capability, or driver experience. Driver/Passenger experience and actions are also outside of the control of DFWTX4WD and BMRA, and both entities cannot be held responsible for any vehicle damage or personal injury. The equipment lists are just generic suggestions. Individual driver skills, experience, and comfort level should be taken into account when selecting a trail ride group. Talk to your trail leader and other participants if you have questions.
Open to all 4x4 vehicles
Easy to challenging 1,2 and easy 3 Rated Trails for vehicles with open differentials and stock 4x4 vehicles.
Scenic ride with a few challenges thrown in.
Obstacles may include sand, creek crossings, mud, loose rocks, brush, and branches in the trail and semi-steep hills and descents. Vehicle damage is always possible but not as likely during the Mild Trail Rides.
Recommend having 31" tires or better, at least one traction-aiding device, and a winch.
Difficult/Technical 2, 3, or 4 Rated Trails
Trails include steep hills with loose rock, brush, and branches in the trail, mud ledges, and off-camber situations. Vehicle damage is possible. Experienced drivers are recommended.
Recommend 35" tires or better, locking differentials front and rear, and a winch.
Harder 4 and 5 Rated Trails. Vehicle damage is probable. Experienced drivers only.
Most of these trails have steep hill climbs with loose rocks and big ledges near the top. Also, expect mud and off-camber situations, and of course brush and branches in the trail.
Experienced drivers with heavily modified rigs only.
Difficult 4 and 5 Rated Trails. Vehicle damage is likely. Experienced drivers only.
Most of these trails have steep hill climbs with loose rocks and big ledges near the top. Also, expect mud and off-camber situations, and of course brush and branches in the trail.
Select trails that you believe best match your driving experience and rig capability.
Event Descriptions
8am - 10pm
3pm - 5pm
7pm - finish
7:00am - 9:00am
7:00am - 10:00pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
6:00pm - 7:00pm
7:00pm - Finish
8:00am - 11:00am
Registration & Tech Inspection.
Open trail riding.
Registration & Tech Inspection
Open trail riding.
Chicks in the Sticks Run, sponsored by RUTZ Offroad
The trail leader is Jennifer Behunin
Poker Run, sponsored by Brew Crew
Registration & Tech Inspection
Open Trail riding
Obstacle Course, Barrel Race, King of the Hill, and Rock Garden, each event starts right after the other event
Awards and Raffle Ticket Sales
Open trail rides, clean the park, load up, and head home. Thank you, be safe!
Front Office
Own your own
Front Office
Own your own
Meet at RUTZ Offroad camp by cell phone tower
Main Pavilion
Front Office
Own your own
King of the Hill trail to be announed at the barrel race.
Park closes at Noon.
Poker Run
The Poker Run is a fun group ride on a mild trail loop that will get your 4 wheels trail ready and let you meet your fellow competitors. Be sure to bring your score sheet (included in your registration bag) and meet at the Main Pavilion at 6:30pm. Trail will be announced. Line up and run the trails as a group, stopping to draw cards along the way and try to build a winning hand. The cards you drew will be marked on your score sheet. Meet back at the pavilion and 20 raffle tickets and a selected prize will go to the winning hand (or hands in case of a tie) and 20 raffles tickets to the lowest hand.
Treasure Hunt
Throughout the weekend. There will be cones marked MR23 placed throughout the park. You must ride the trails to find the cones. One cone per rig per day. Please bring the cones to the raffle on Saturday to claim your prize.
Rock Garden
The objective on the Rock Garden is to see how far you can get in the time allotted. The rig in each class that goes the farthest in one minute wins. If more than one rig completes the course under the time limit, the rig with the lowest time wins. Awards will be given for the best time in each class.
Obstacle Course
The Obstacle Course challenges each driver to complete a series of obstacles. The course is designed to equalize the playing field: extremely built rigs will excel in some areas whereas stock rigs will excel in other areas. This is a timed challenge, but don't touch the course caution tape or you will be penalized with additions to your total time. Awards will be given for the best time in each class.
Barrel Race
This is a traditional Barrel Race with 3 barrels, except our contestants have way more than 1 horse power! Competitors race the clock to be the first around all three barrels and back to the starting line. But there's a catch, if you touch the course caution tape, or hit a barrel you are penalized with additions to your total time, so finesse is required! Awards will be given for the best time in each class.
King of the Hill
This is the time to settle old scores. A timed trail challenge; the winner of this event will walk away with bragging rights and an Award. This trail is a closely kept secret. You may put your name in the hat to run this trail, and will be allowed to back out if you want, but we do not reveal the name of this trail until after the barrel race. It's time to put up or shut up! Award plaques and cash prizes will be given for the best time in each class!